CorelDraw Graphics Suite Package 2010 (AiO) (X3/X4/X5)(tổng hợp bộ 3 corel)

AIO CorelDraw Graphics Suite Package 2010 (X3/X4/X5) | 1.74 GB

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite embodies ideas in professional results! Kit provides a complete range of tools for creating illustrations, logos, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, booklets and publicity boards and is the best graphics solution. This software suite is suitable for creating cool new trends in the fashion industry and the development of designer clothing.

Content AIO CorelDraw Graphics Suite Package 2010 (X3/X4/X5):

* CorelDraw Graphics Suite X3 MULTI FULL
* CorelDraw Graphics Suite X4 SP2 MULTI FULL
* CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 MULTI 9 FULL


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